Sunday, September 29, 2013

In the U.S., bank customers will pay 200 million for "card" fraud

A major U.S. bank Discover Bank has agreed to pay its customers $ 200 million to settle the proceedings with the regulator Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which protects the rights of consumers. As reported by BBC News, will receive compensation of more than 3.5 million users Discover Bank. In addition the organization will pay a fine of $ 14 million.

Believe in the CFPB, financial organizations wrongfully charge their customers a fee for additional services for the use of credit cards. These services are discovered regulator , initially provided for free, as a bonus .
В США банк заплатит клиентам 200 миллионов за "карточный" обман
In the Discover Bank neither confirmed nor denied the allegations CFPB, reports CNBC. Earlier, the bank reported that the reserved funds to pay the possible penalties , and also noted that the responsible approach to the provision of services to its customers.

Discover Bank Financial Group is a unit of Discover Financial Services and the sixth largest issuer of cards in the United States. Discover Card holders are about 50 million people.

CFPB was created in 2010 . Its main task is to protect citizens from charging "hidden" commissions banks.

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